:: About ::

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I started this site only because of my total devotion for Matthew Perry and his work. I think he is one of the best (and cutest of course =) ) actors on television today.

This is a site created and maintained by Aurora. It is maintained only in deep affection of Matthew Perry. Pictures, articles etc. are used without permission of their creators and are only used in informational purpose. If any of those would like to receive credit, please let me know. If any of these copyright holders doesn't approve their work being shown on these pages, also, let me know and I will remove them. The links on all of my pages are there in the purpose of giving further information about Matthew and his work. That I have linked to their site does not mean that I approve of the contents on those pages and I do not take responsibility for any of the material on those pages, nor the opinions that the creators of those pages may have. The information on these pages is collected mostly from sources around the Internet and the material is collected from publicly aired and published sources. This site or its creator do not wish to offend or upset anyone and if you have any complains or views about this site, please let me know so that I can make it right.

© Perry Online 2000 - 2001 - designed and maintained by Aurora